bitcoin mining pool

How to Start a Bitcoin Mining Pool

The vast nature of cryptocurrency every passing day is quite marveling as traders, investors and service providers have the chance to benefit from another lucrative avenue of financial exploits – that’s Bitcoin mining. The most important requirement for kick-starting the mining pool procedure by prospective subscribers is to acquire a vital tool for mining which is the mining hardware. Aside from taking the step of hardware purchase, the process of mining has become an easy one with the aid of varieties of mining pools.

What is a Mining Pool?

A Mining pool is best described from the cryptocurrency perspective which is when miners pool resources together in order to share the power of their process over a network and accord the reward gained equally. The reward accrued to each miner is usually based on the level of contribution of work towards the chance of discovering a mining block. The reward given to each member of a mining pool is referred to as “Share” as long as they’re able to tender an evidence of work done that’s valid.

When the challenge of generating a block for mining took a long while, this slowed down miners and with the consequent creation of Bitcoin mining pool, a situation where miners get a part of gains from the block, which also meant blocks became generated at quite a fast pace. The remedy to the challenge was that miners were required to contribute resources together in order to get blocks fast and get a part of the block reward regularly, instead of the waiting for the block rewards like once in a long time.

In mining, it’s pivotal to know the various kinds of blocks that are attached due to the strong influence it wields on your potential income. The most popular types of blocks are the uncle, orphan & genesis blocks. Every good miner needs to know that mining pools serve as a great opportunity of ensuring the returns on investment is huge, though it does come at a small price which is less than 3% of what you would be entitled in as gain. Therefore, it’s more profitable to give a third party a Bitcoin miner you purchased rather than get hooked.

Benefits of mining pools

Mining pools possess quite a number of interesting advantages for subscribers. Which is quite inviting and beneficial for individuals who are keen on maximizing the financial opportunities that exist. To begin the procedure of registering a mining pool is easy and has the same steps that are required when registering for other types of Bitcoin exchange platforms.

There are quite a number of platforms which offer diverse services of Bitcoin mining pools as well as irresistible rewards for potentials customers. Some of the best Bitcoin mining platforms include Ant Pool, Slush Pool, Bixin, Bitfury, and Via BTC Pool. Therefore, based on those as mentioned above, if you have been nursing the desire to be a Bitcoin miner, here’s your chance to enjoy rewards and great mining services from any of the mining pool.

Steps to start a bitcoin mining pool

The following steps will help you ensure a successful mining pool.

Buy Mining Equipment

The level of awareness in Bitcoin has increased competition, with more subscribers signing up as users daily deploying the most recent instruments which makes mining activities challenging for existing miners. It’s important to do some findings, so as to ensure Bitcoin mining will yield the desired gains. This should be followed with a search for what people are saying about the best equipment to discover the best among them for purchase.

To begin the mining process, you need to know the cost and how to offset additional incurred expenses. It’s essential to buy a Bitcoin mining calculator to calculate the specification of the bitcoin miner, determine mining duration. If it suits your financial capacity, then you can purchase the equipment. We should also add that the highly competitive level of Bitcoin mining has made mining with personal computer graphics card (GPU mining) unattractive. Hence the usage of ASIC miners, which is a unique computer created especially for Bitcoins mining, with the most advanced being Antminer S9.

Pick a Bitcoin Wallet

Consequently, after purchasing the required equipment, comes Bitcoin wallet. While there are a large number of Bitcoin wallets available, the decision of which to settle for can be made via a Google search or from reviews made on various Bitcoin websites. When a Bitcoin wallet is picked, next comes the purse address which is a lengthy code of letters and numbers. The process of obtaining a bitcoin address (public) might differ for each wallet, but it’s usually not complex. Do not mistake your private key as your Bitcoin public address which is the password to your wallet.

Also, if your wallet operates on a self-hosted mode, that’s via offline, copy your ‘wallet.dat’ file into a USB flash drive and have a hard copy printed. This is a preventive measure that helps preserve your file should you lose your PC or it becomes faulty, you will easily a copy of the file on “wallet.dat”.

Become a member of a Mining Pool

The mining process becomes most interesting when more money is targeted; this is achieved by registering with a mining pool. A mining pool is a coming together of Bitcoin miners who collaborate together with resources so as to churn out more Bitcoins, which mostly is in block form. In estimation, a block is equivalent to 12.5 bitcoins, which is almost unaffordable as an independent subscriber. After getting the blocks, it’s distributed to users strictly on individual contribution. Based on this, it means bitcoins and gains.

Albeit, to avoid mistakes, before joining a mining pool, the following inquiries should be made; What is the Bitcoin withdrawal and cost charged for mining? What are the chances of getting a block, that’s the reward of joining a mining pool? How accessible are funds to miners? What are the facts given? And what’s the dependability level of the pool?